So the car is completely kitted out now, the chip is in to make it faster and the canopy completed. The awning has been fitted to the roof racks for extra sun protection and the storage boxes have arrived from Melbourne. So I think Michael has used up his xmas presents for the next 5yrs. Drop him a line if you are interested in any of the gizmos, he will be more than happy to talk about any of it. I know nothing about car stuff!!
We were talking about whether to get a tent for those national park trips, where I know the van will struggle! So Michael and his best mate Andy went off to the camping show and well you know what happened! Those boys were like little kids in a candy store, I think they would have slept there if they cauld. So they came home with presents - yes a girls dream - a METAL MATCH???? Mmmmm! A dream pot, which I was a bit excited about, so it requires no power and will be able to cook all day and keep food warm on those long drives. And decided to go the 30 sec Oz tent. I'm not a camper I need my comforts and lets just say the excitement level of the tent is low, but Michael assures me the kids will love it. He loved it so much he set it up in the lounge room!!!!
Thought I should take the van for a test drive, god forbid anything should happen to Michael, and girls it's not as hard as it looks. I did survive it, felt like waving to everyone on the road, yes a chic can drive a beast. So with little cooking for the trip and some final packing we are getting close. Next week - ROMA HERE WE COME!!!